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By WAZA Team | March 2019 

In Maputo, local partners from WAZA have been collaborating with UN-Habitat Mozambique and Co-Investigator Prof Matos from University Eduardo Mondlane to establish a local database relevant to T-SUM.


They have made good progress and have been able to identify existing gaps in data. This database is stored and shared internally through OneDrive. It draws on a T-SUM questionnaire which was established in the context of WP2 covering the following topics:  Administrative structure; Demography; Transport & Land-use institutions; Transport Demand and Modal share; Economy and Development; Local transport and urban planning; Additional data (environmental, road safety, active travel, collective transport, etc.).


For each of these categories the T-SUM project aims to understand past, current and future patterns. The team plans to establish an open online platform to store non-confidential data related to the T-SUM project.


The WAZA and Eduardo Mondlane team will be collaborating closely with the newly established Metropolitan Agency for Transport, directed by Professor Matos, and with Maputo and Matola’s local authority.

Above: WAZA Team, Maputo


Updates and news 

Contribution to knowledge about minibuses & recent outputs 

August - December 2020 


In the context of T-SUM, Joaquin Romero and Clemence Cavoli participated in a workshop funded by the VREF in August 2020. The focus of the workshop was: ‘Emerging business models and service options in the shared transport sector in African cities’. As a result of the workshop, a paper was published including key insights from Maputo’s experiences.

The publication can be found here


Other recent outputs

T-SUM has supported the development of a map that identifies existing programmes, projects and proposals in the Maputo Metropolitan area. This mapping also highlights all stakeholders involved in these initiatives. The map can be viewed here

T-SUM has also been supporting Maputo's newly established transport observatory, involving transport experts from WAZA. As part of their activities, Joaquin has been training young academics and practitioners interested in urban mobility, to support the next generation of transport experts in Maputo.

Maputo's Urban Sustainability Week (Ill Semana da Mobilidade Sustentavel)

October 2020


T-SUM was an official partner in Maputo’s Sustainable Urban Mobility Week (Ill Semana da Mobilidade Sustentavel), which took place in the last week of October 2020. Joaquin Romero and the rest of the T-SUM team were not only involved in the organisation of the entire event, but also held a presentation on the Maputo City Profile. A number of policymakers and researchers attended the virtual city profile presentation, that outlined key findings so far and highlighted some of the data gaps that need to be urgently addressed for research and policy.


In addition, the mobility and transport observatory (Observatoria da Mobilidade e Transporte - OMT), which T-SUM supports, presented on a range of topics including an overview of the chapas (mini-buses) system that operates in Maputo and acts as the backbone of collective transport. 


SMS Event.png

Formal Launch of Maputo's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP)

August 2020 


An MoU to implement a SUMP in Maputo was signed by all the municipalities in Maputo Metropolitan area. It is led by the Maputo Transport Metropolitan Agency (AMT) in collaboration with the French Development Agency, who is financing the SUMP as part of the Mobilise your City (MYC) initiative.


The T-SUM partners, in particular the Maputo partners, have played a crucial role in ensuring that the SUMP will draw on the research and policy work from the T-SUM project. As a result, the SUMP will include findings from T-SUM outputs, including the city profile and the qualitative research work. The consultancy company Transitec who will lead the SUMP in Maputo, will collaborate with the T-SUM partners to jointly run the T-SUM workshops. The outputs of which will be included in the SUMP.


In the Media: 

“Transportes & Transito” 

November 2020 


T-SUM appeared in “Transportes & Transito” – a renowned journal on transport in Mozambique. For more information and the full article see here

Coexistence and coordination between public operators and in urban and air transport: similarities and differences

Business Breakfast | April 2019


The T-SUM team in Maputo, led by Joaquin Romero and Professor Matos, organised a business breakfast focusing on issues linked with private and public transport operation in Maputo. David Bull, T-SUM Senior Adviser and former director of planning and transport in Birmingham, UK, participated in the event together with the Executive Director of Mozambique Airlines. The event was chaired by Joaquin Romero. At this time, Mozambique was opening its airspace to private operators. The event had attendants from the Metropolitan Transport Agency, Operators, International agencies and the transport sector.​

Field trip to Maputo 



March 2019 


T-SUM colleagues from UCL and Maputo organised a field trip to collect a range of qualitative data; approximately 80 interviews were carried out with stakeholders across sectors, local residents and users of Metrobus (a public transport initiative in Maputo) . In addition, focus groups of local residents were undertaken in four different neighbourhoods in Maputo Metropolitan Area. The Maputo T-SUM team welcomed one of T-SUM’s external advisory board members, David Bull, who spent a week in Maputo to support T-SUM.



Preparation of Maputo Sustainable Mobility Week (SMS19)

April - September 2019 


From April until September WAZA and Maputo’s Mobility Observatory represented the T-SUM project in a series of meetings involving urban mobility stakeholders in Greater Maputo; the meetings aimed to organise the SMS19. The audience for this event included urban mobility stakeholders, such as UN Habitat, Maputo City Council, NGOs, the Metropolitan Transport Agency (AMT), and Architects Without Borders, among others.

Seminary Urban Mobility in Greater Maputo with AMT, UITP and World Bank

October 2019 


A joint mission led by the World Bank and UITP (the international organisation for public transport authorities and operators) was organised in Maputo focusing on sustainable urban mobility issues in Grand Maputo. T-SUM partners WAZA and Prof Matos participated in this seminar drawing on insights from the T-SUM project.


updates maputo
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