Past Events 2019
During 2019 and the first quarter of 2020, the T-SUM project undertook a wide-range of activities, presentations, workshops and meetings. These significantly improved the overall project and its effectiveness. The involvement of various partners in these events was essential, with the interactions producing directly relevant insights
T-SUM workshops in Freetown
December 2019
As part of T-SUM Work Package (WP 3 ‘Vision pathways and implementation strategies’) deliberative workshops were designed and run in Freetown, drawing on findings and data from WP1 and WP2. The objective of these workshops was to initiate participative governance processes to foster new models of development based on a sustainable mobility trajectory. This was achieved through evidence-based engagement with public and professional stakeholders across different sectors and levels of governance.
The event was featured on several national TV channels, including Prime Times News AYV video, live TV discussion, and various radio and newspaper interviews. Among other outcomes, the workshop results were given to the Minister for Transport, who now will consider relevant action in other cities across Sierra Leone. In addition, regular meetings will be held to align the work-streams of the ministry of transport and the Freetown City Council’s on urban transport.

Maputo Mobility Week
September 2019
T-SUM members made a significant contribution to the organisation and content of the Maputo Mobility Week. In this context, several events were organised, using the key findings of the T-SUM project. During a breakfast meeting that took place at the start of the Mobility Week, Joaquin Romero disseminated some key findings of the T-SUM project.
Another of the events was the Maputo Mobility Conference, which had around 150 in attendance. An overview of the T-SUM project including its key findings were presented by Joaquin Romero and Dr. Clemence Cavoli.
Another event, organised by the French Development Agency AFD in the context of the Mobility Week, was a workshop that involved key stakeholders in Maputo discussing urban mobility. In this event, key findings from semi-structured interviews and focus groups, undertaken as part of T-SUM, helped in its design and to inform the various workshop participants.
African Regional Network
22 October 2019
Dr. Cavoli was invited to present and share key findings at the UCL African and Middle East Regional Network meeting. Approximately 25 people, mostly academics from across different departments were in the room. An overview of T-SUM and relevant project findings were presented.

Infrastructure, Development and Finance: Executive Course of the Transport Studies Unit at Oxford University
September 2019
Dr Daniel Oviedo used some of T-SUM framing and findings at his Lecture, which centred in the topic of infrastructure and equity in public transport. The lecture brought together experiences from Latin America and the T-SUM city profiles from Africa. Part of the analysis was presented in the session, corresponding to the supply-demand of the future plans to illustrate how the infrastructure can be used for redistributive effects. Among the attendees were practitioners, academics – especially from the Global South – and Global North assistants working in developing countries.
III Seminário internacional de movilidades contemporâneas held at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Brazil.
September 2019
Dr Daniel Oviedo presented T-SUM’s empirical methods as part of this international seminar, which took the form of a webinar. INTALInC LAC was the organiser of the event, and the host was the University of Bello Horizonte. The objective of the presentation was to discuss different methods for transport equity analysis in the Global South. Qualitative material from T-SUM was presented – including interviews and focus groups. The recordings will be uploaded to the INTALInC LAC website

Workshop Mobility & Access in African Cities, VREF
August 2019
Joaquin Romero, WAZA, and Dr Clemence Cavoli, CTS, were invited to participate in an event organised by Volvo Research Foundation that took place in Paris. The event focused on existing and emerging project and private/business initiatives in the transport field in the rapidly growing cities of Sub-Saharan Africa. One member from UCL and one colleague from Maputo represented T-SUM in the workshop discussion. The output of the workshop included a report ‘Emerging Business Models and Service Options in the Shared Transport Sector in African Cities’ available at the VREF website (http://www.vref.se/); in this, the contribution of the
T-SUM members is clear.
Presentation to UN-Habitat Mozambique
July 2019
A webinar and online presentation with representatives of UN-Habitat Mozambique was organised to share some of the project’s key findings.
NECTAR Conference 'Towards human scale cities', Helsinki
June 2019
Dr Daniel Oviedo presented the theoretical framework of the T-SUM project at the NECTAR Conference “Towards human scale cities”.
This was a special session on Healthy Transport.

Science Po/Ivory Coast Workshop, Abidjan
14 May 2019
Dr. Cavoli led a workshop on urban transport and mobility. The event was organised by Science Po Paris and the government of Ivory Coast. Its focus was on identifying challenges and opportunities for rapidly growing cities, to accelerate sustainable urban development. The workshop involved circa 50 senior decision makers across sectors at the national level in Ivory Coast. Also invited was Dr Jacob Doherty from the Transport Studies Unit at University of Oxford as he is conducting research in the same location.

Presentation on the project to CL STEaPP department students
26 June 2019
Dr. Cavoli gave presentations about T-SUM to UCL’s STEaPP students and staff. This helped set-up a collaboration with STEaPP Master of Public Administration students, who used T-SUM as a case study for their dissertations.

Public lecture at UCL
07 March 2019
On 07 March, T-SUM hosted its first public lecture discussing the principles underpinning sustainable urban transitions and the extent to which rapidly growing cities in the Global South can benefit from it. The event, chaired by T-SUM work package 4 lead Professor Caren Levy, included thought-provoking keynote addresses by Professor Nick Tyler, CBE, Director of the UCL Centre for Transport Studies and Chadwick Professor of Civil Engineering, CEGE, UCL, and Dr Debbie Hopkins, Assistant Professor at the Transport Studies Unit of the University of Oxford. The speaker presentations were followed by a panel discussion involving Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, Mayor of Freetown, Sierra Leone; Professor Peter Jones, OBE, Professor of Transport and Sustainable Development, UCL; and Holger Dalkmann, Urban Theme Lead for the DFID-funded High Volume Transport (HVT) programme.

Public event in Maputo
March 2019
In March 2019 WAZA Think Tank organised a public event in Maputo in the context of T-SUM. T-SUM’s advisor David Bull was one of the speakers along with T-SUM Co-Investigators Prof Matos and Joaquin Romero and local and national officials. The event aimed to discuss relationships between public authorities and private operators.

Remarkable Women in Transport
09 March 2019
Clemence Cavoli was included in the report on Remarkable Women in Transport from the TUMI Initiative for her work on sustainable urban mobility, including in the context of T-SUM
Project Kick off in London at UCL
06 - 07 March 2019
An international meeting with T-SUM partners from Maputo and Freetown, as well as other representatives from public authorities in Maputo and Freetown, the World Bank, and the AFD (the French Development Agency). In addition, external advisory board members were invited. The presenters included T-SUM’s Co-Is Professor Matos (UEM), Joaquin Romero (WAZA), Dr. Joseph Macarthy and Braima Koroma (SLURC), and the UCL T-SUM team; they highlighted the project’s objectives and initial findings. The event was an excellent opportunity for all the project partners to discuss its relevance to the cities of Maputo and Freetown, and to plan the next steps of the project.
Public Workshop at UCL
07 March 2019
T-SUM’s first public workshop focused on “Public-Private relationships in urban transport: considerations and experiences from the Global North and South”; it was held at the Institute of Advance Studies in UCL. The workshop, supported by UCL Grand Challenges, discussed the role of private actors in cities across the world in transitioning to sustainable urban mobility pathways. The workshop started with short presentations contrasting experiences from African and South American cities and London, presented by T-SUM co-investigators Dr Clemence Cavoli, Joaquin Romero, and Dr Daniel Oviedo, as well as Dr Polyvios Polyviou from the Transport Innovation unit at Transport for London (TfL). Presentations were followed by a panel discussion involving Ed Parsons, Geospatial Technologist, at Google, Dr Matteo Rizzo, senior Lecturer in Development Studies, SOAS, and David Bull, former head of transport and urban planning, Birmingham. The event was chaired by Professor Peter Jones, OBE, T-SUM Principal Investigator, Professor of Transport and Sustainable Development, UCL.

Harvard TUMI Workshop, Frankfurt
30 April - 02 May 2019
Dr. Cavoli was invited to a workshop organised by Harvard University and the TUMI Association. The workshop took place in Frankfurt. It aimed to discuss Urban Mobility issues in rapidly growing Sub-Saharan African cities. Senior decision-makers from various cities in the region, as well as relevant academics across different universities were invited. Key findings from T-SUM were presented to attendees.

Work Conference on Transport Research 2019, Mumbai
May 2019
The T-SUM project was presented at a special session organised by Dr Daniel Oviedo and Dr Karen Lucas from INTALInC. It centrered on transport accessibility in low income communities. Around 40 people attended the event, including academics, World Bank representatives and students.

Transportation Research Board conference and the Transforming Transportation event
17 January 2019
The T-SUM project was represented in Washington at the Transportation Research Board conference and the Transforming Transportation event in January 14 to 19th. Dr Daniel Oviedo attended the Transportation Research Board with a T-SUM relate presentation on social exclusion in the informal economy in global south cities. He also attended the Transforming Transportation Conference held at the headquarters of the World Bank. In the context of this meeting, Daniel represented T-SUM as partner in the recently launched New Urban Mobility Alliance – NUMO, a partnership for research and practice in new mobilities and technologies worldwide. Daniel also attended a high-level meeting at the Infrastructure Vice-Presidency of the World Bank discussing ways of improving capacity building for transport and infrastructure planning in African cities.
AFD Seminar
11 February 2019
In December 2018, the French Development Agency (AFD) joined the T-SUM project as an official partner. The AFD plans to establish a Sustainable Urban Development Plan for Maputo, in collaboration with Maputo’s public authorities. It will do so in close collaboration with the T-SUM project. In February, T-SUM’s PI Prof Peter Jones and Co-I Dr. Clemence Cavoli travelled to Paris to present T-SUM’s key concepts and to share initial findings with AFD representatives. The seminar was organised at the AFD’s offices. This event was an opportunity to discuss the extent to which the T-SUM project is relevant to the AFD’s policies and projects and plan future collaborations.