Collaboration between STEaPP and T-SUM
T-SUM | March 2019
Master's of Public Administration students as partners.
Four UCL students undertaking a Master's of Public Administration at UCL’s Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) have joined T-SUM. Mauricio A. Belaunde Otto, Grace Dong, Nicole Kugelmass Holender and Mario Reyes Salidas will be supporting WP3 ‘Vision pathways and implementation strategies’ by developing guidelines and collating relevant evidence to inform the design of the participative workshops. They will be guided by Professor Joanna Chataway, Head of STEaPP, and Dr. Ellie Cosgrave, Director of the City Leadership Laboratory.
Welcome to the STEaPP team!
Above: STEaPP Students presenting
Updates and news
T-SUM - teaching and lecturing activities
January 2020
T-SUM partners used the project’s findings for lectures at the Development Planning Unit (DPU), Centre for Transport Studies (CTS) and the Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP).
Based on the T-SUM project findings, students presented the results of their work, which was examined by STEaPP academics.
Presentation on the project to CL STEaPP department students
26 June 2019
Dr. Cavoli gave presentations about T-SUM to UCL’s STEaPP students and staff. This helped set-up a collaboration with STEaPP Master of Public Administration students, who used T-SUM as a case study for their dissertations.